If police recover a firearm from a crime scene, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) may be able to trace the gun to identify its owner. With the gun’s serial number in hand, the ATF starts at the top of the firearm supply chain — by checking the gun manufacturer’s records — to trace the gun down to the dealer who last sold it.1ATF, “National Tracing Center,” accessed August 30, 2024, https://www.atf.gov/firearms/national-tracing-center. Firearm examiners can also inspect the unique microscopic markings that guns imprint on bullets and spent cartridge cases when they are fired to determine if they were made by a recovered crime gun.2Nancy Ritter, “The Science Behind Firearm and Tool Mark Examination,” National Institute of Justice, December 1, 2014, https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/science-behind-firearm-and-tool-mark-examination.
If no firearm is recovered, investigators may be able to scan the spent casings found at a crime scene and see if they match those recovered from previous investigations and entered into the ATF’s National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN) to determine if one crime gun was used in multiple shootings.3ATF, “National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN),” accessed August 28, 2024, https://www.atf.gov/firearms/national-integrated-ballistic-information-network-nibin. In other words, NIBIN can only help investigators if the gun was used in a prior incident and its spent casings were scanned into the database after that incident.
But there is another solution that can provide stronger investigative leads much more quickly. Microstamping is an innovative technology that can help link crime guns to perpetrators and fast-track police investigations — at a time when over 18,000 people die by gun homicide in an average year, and nearly half of all homicides go unsolved.4See Everytown, EveryStat, accessed October 9, 2024, https://everystat.org/; and Federal Bureau of Investigation, “NIBRS Table: Incidents Cleared by Offense Category, 2022,” Crime Data Explorer, October 2023, https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#. Yet the gun industry has fought against any efforts to implement microstamping — effectively keeping a critical crime-solving tool out of the hands of law enforcement — for decades.
Pulling the trigger on a firearm causes the gun’s firing pin to strike a loaded cartridge, as shown in the animation below. This ignites the gunpowder inside the cartridge, which combusts to propel the bullet through the barrel of the gun. In a semi-automatic firearm, the gun will then eject the spent cartridge casing before loading another cartridge into the chamber.
Microstamping involves engraving a gun’s firing pin with a unique identifying code — made up of numbers, letters, and even geometric shapes — specific to that firearm. Each time the gun fires, the microstamped firing pin imprints this microscopic code onto the back of a cartridge case. Thus, if police recover spent casings at a crime scene, they can examine the codes found on them to determine the owner of the firearm used to commit the crime — even if the gun itself is never recovered.

In other words, microstamping allows police to directly match spent casings with the gun that fired them — much like using a license plate to identify a vehicle’s owner. Microstamping is even more invaluable given that spent shell casings are “much more likely to be found at the scene of a violent crime than the gun itself.”5United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, “Firearms as evidence,” April 2020, https://www.unodc.org/e4j/zh/firearms/module-8/key-issues/firearms-as-evidence.html.
Finally, in addition to aiding law enforcement investigations, microstamping provides a level of accountability that could help prevent crime in the first place. For example, people might think twice about using firearms with microstamped firing pins in the commission of a crime because of how quickly police could trace the spent casings back to them. Similarly, gun traffickers and straw purchasers would presumably be less likely to sell microstamped firearms to those prohibited from owning firearms for fear of being implicated in a later crime.

Two mechanical engineers — Todd Lizotte and Orest Ohar — developed microstamping in the 1990s while working to laser-engrave logos and designs onto firing pins so gun manufacturers could brand spent casings. But they realized that this laser engraving could instead help police solve gun crimes and patented the technology as “Intentional Firearm Microstamping,” or IFM.6Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, “Microstamping: A Technology to Help Solve Gun Crimes, Identify Gun Trafficking Networks and Reduce Gun Violence,” February 2021, 29, https://efsgv.org/wp-content/uploads/EFSGV_Microstamping-Report-2021.pdf.
They also authored peer-reviewed research demonstrating the effectiveness of microstamping, including studies showing that Colt and Smith & Wesson pistols with microstamped firing pins imprinted legible codes on spent casings 97 percent of the time, even after firing 1,500 and 2,500 rounds of ammunition, respectively.7Todd Lizotte and Orest Ohar, “Forensic Firearm Identification of Semiautomatic Handguns Using Laser Formed Microstamping Elements,” SPIE 7070, Optical Technologies for Arming, Safing, Fuzing, and Firing IV, September 2008, 13, https://www.hoplofobia.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/FORENSIC-FIREARM-IDENTIFICATION-OF-SEMIAUTOMATIC-HANDGUNS-LIZOTTE.pdf.
In another peer-reviewed study from 2012 funded by the Department of Justice, Lizotte, Ohar, and other researchers fired 3,000 rounds of ammunition from 10 different manufacturers through three separate microstamped pistols and found that two of the pistols produced legible codes on over 90 percent of their spent cases, while a “lower priced” Hi-Point pistol’s cases were legible 68 to 74 percent of the time, which could still provide valuable investigative leads — especially if police pieced the code together from multiple spent cases. The study concluded that microstamping has “the potential to place valuable information into the hands of the officer or detective at the scene of a crime in a timely fashion” and “could enable tracking of fired cartridges in an efficient and timely manner.”8L.S. Chumbley, J. Kreiser, T. Lizotte, et al., “Clarity of Microstamped Identifiers as a Function of Primer Hardness and Type of Firearm Action,” AFTE Journal, Volume 44, Number 2, Spring 2012, 153-155, https://www.calgunlaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Clarity-of-Microstamped-Identifiers-as-a-Function-of-primer-Hardness-and-Type-of-Firearm-Action.pdf.
Another study involving “several machine guns, a submachine gun, and a Glock pistol” demonstrated that the “various characters” on their microstamped firing pins “were easily readable in all types of primers tested and after hundreds of shots.”9Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, “Microstamping Technology: Precise and Proven,” June 2013, 3, https://efsgv.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Microstamping-Technology-Precise-and-Proven-Memo.pdf. At least seven police departments in California also tested the technology and found that it worked.10Pena v. Lindley, No. 15-15449, 27, https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/18/18-843/59674/20180816121220406_appendix_A.pdf.
Lizotte estimated that microstamping would only cost $3 to $10 per gun to implement.11Declaration of Todd Lizotte, Pena v. Lindley (2:09-CV-01185-KJM-CKD), 7, https://michellawyers.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Pena-v.-Lindley_Declaration-of-Todd-Lizotte-In-Support-of-Defendants-Supplemental-Brief.pdf. Laser Light Technologies, a laser micro-engraving firm, estimated an even lower cost at $0.50 to $3.12Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel, “Microstamping Guns: A Tool to Help Solve Gun Crimes in New York,” NYSBA Government, Law and Policy Journal, Vol. 14, Summer 2012, 47, https://nysba.org/NYSBA/Publications/Section%20Publications/GLP%20Journal/PastIssues1999present/Summer2012/Summer2012Assets/GLPJSum12.pdf. This is one reason why the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) passed a resolution endorsing microstamping in 2008, saying that the technology “has proven to be an inexpensive, yet effective way to mark and identify firearm shell casings.” The IACP recommended “that all firearms produced or sold be fitted with microstamping technology so that law enforcement can further criminal investigations and enhance public safety” and “call[ed] on all governments to enact legislation that will allow for the implementation of microstamping technology.”13International Association of Chiefs of Police, “2008 Resolutions: Adopted at the 115the AnnualConference in San Diego, CA,” 45, https://www.theiacp.org/sites/default/files/2018-08/2008Resolutions.pdf.
The American Bar Association (ABA) passed a similar resolution in 2010, noting that microstamping “would not materially increase the cost of guns” and “has no Second Amendment implications whatsoever.” The ABA “urge[d] federal, state and territorial governments to enact laws requiring that all newly-manufactured semi-automatic pistols be fitted with microstamping technology” to “enable law enforcement to identify the serial number of the pistol and hence the first known purchaser of a weapon used in a crime.”14American Bar Association, “Microstamping Technology,” August 9, 2010, https://www.americanbar.org/groups/public_interest/gun_violence/policy/10A115/.
The focus on semi-automatic pistols makes sense given that they are the most common types of firearms recovered from crime scenes. Of the 1.9 million crime guns recovered and traced by law enforcement between 2017 and 2021, over 1.3 million of those guns — or 68 percent — were semi-automatic pistols.15ATF, National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment, Volume II, “Part III: Crime Guns Recovered and Traced Within the United States and Its Territories,” February 1, 2023, 16, https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/report/nfcta-volume-ii-part-iii-crime-guns-recovered-and-traced-us/download.
For their part, Lizotte and Ohar announced that they would offer a “royalty-free license” for microstamping technology in 2007 to make it easier for gun manufacturers to adopt it.16Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, “Microstamping Technology: Precise and Proven,” 6. Years later, in 2013, they allowed their IFM patent rights to expire in the hopes that gun makers would use it. They also founded a company called TACLABS to produce machines that can microstamp firing pins quickly and efficiently as well as software to create and store the microstamped codes.17Chip Brownlee, “What Is Microstamping, and Can It Help Solve Shootings?” The Trace, January 23, 2023, https://www.thetrace.org/2023/01/microstamping-gun-bullets-new-york/. Yet gun makers have so far resisted microstamping — despite legislative efforts to advance the technology.

In October 2007, California’s then-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the Crime Gun Identification Act into law, which amended the state’s Unsafe Handgun Act to require that all new semi-automatic pistols sold by licensed gun dealers in the state feature microstamping technology. Endorsed by 65 police chiefs and sheriffs across California as well as the California Police Chiefs Association and the Peace Officers Research Association of California,18Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, “Microstamping Technology: Precise and Proven,” 5. the law was written to go into effect on January 1, 2010, but it also contained a provision delaying its implementation until the California Department of Justice certified that microstamping technology was “available to more than one manufacturer unencumbered by patent restrictions.”19California AB 1471, http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/07-08/bill/asm/ab_1451-1500/ab_1471_bill_20070711_amended_sen_v96.html.
To delay the law from taking effect, a gun rights group, the Calguns Foundation, paid a $555 fee to extend the lapsing IFM patent in 2012. At the time, the chairman of the group, Gene Hoffman, said, “It was a lot cheaper to keep the patent in force than to litigate over the issues.”20Erica Goode, “Method to Track Firearm Use Is Stalled by Foes,” The New York Times, June 12, 2012, https://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/13/us/code-on-shell-casings-sparks-a-gun-debate.html.
But Hoffman’s group and the Second Amendment Foundation — another gun rights group backed by gun companies21Second Amendment Foundation, “Corporate Partners,” accessed September 30, 2024, https://saf.org/partners/. — were already involved in litigation against California’s Unsafe Handgun Act, which requires that all new semi-automatic pistols pass drop tests and feature loaded-chamber indicators and magazine-disconnect safeties — measures designed to prevent unintentional shootings — and simply amended their complaint to include a challenge to the new microstamping requirement. In that legal challenge, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals found that the Unsafe Handgun Act’s “provisions pass constitutional muster” and “do[] not impose a substantial burden on Purchasers.”22Pena v. Lindley, No. 15-15449.
After the patent finally expired, California’s then-Attorney General Kamala Harris announced that microstamping was indeed viable in May 2013 and required on any new pistols.23Bob Egelko, “Gun control: Cartridge ID law to take effect,” SFGate, May 18, 2013, https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/gun-control-cartridge-id-law-to-take-effect-4527165.php. The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the gun industry’s trade association — which has opposed microstamping for over a decade, as discussed below — immediately sued to prevent the law from being enforced, arguing that the technology was “impossible to implement.” That challenge was eventually dismissed,24National Shooting Sports Foundation v. State of California, S239397, https://files.giffords.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/CA-S.-Ct.-Opinion-in-NSSF-v.-California.pdf. but another filed by the National Rifle Association’s California state affiliate in 2022 is ongoing.25Boland v. Bonta, 8:22-cv-01421, https://michellawyers.com/boland-v-bonta/.
The 2007 law only applied to new models of pistols, and in the intervening years, gun makers simply refused to produce new guns that would meet the requirements of California’s Unsafe Handgun Act, and instead continued to sell older models that were approved for sale before the law went into effect.26Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, “Microstamping: A Technology to Help Solve Gun Crimes, Identify Gun Trafficking Networks and Reduce Gun Violence,” 29. In January 2014, Smith & Wesson announced that it would sell fewer guns into California because it “does not and will not include microstamping in its firearms.” Smith & Wesson further claimed that microstamping “serves no safety purpose,” and in the announcement, the company’s then-CEO James Debney stated that “we will continue to work with the NRA and the NSSF to oppose this poorly conceived law which mandates the unproven and unreliable concept of microstamping and makes it impossible for Californians to have access to the best products with the latest innovations.”27Smith & Wesson, “Smith & Wesson Addresses California Microstamping Legislation,” January 23, 2014, https://assets.contentstack.io/v3/assets/bltb61dcb3c40854cd9/blt14c5fe8622cf4e85/636d4b61e7ed92109823249b/MSMicroSFinal.pdf.
On September 26, 2023, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed several gun safety bills into law, including SB 452, which expanded the state’s microstamping requirements. The law simply requires that all semi-automatic pistols — both old and new models alike — sold or transferred by licensed gun dealers after January 1, 2028, feature microstamping technology once the California Department of Justice deems that it is available.28See Governor Gavin Newsom, “Governor Newsom Strengthens California’s Nation-Leading Gun Safety Laws,” September 26, 2023, https://www.gov.ca.gov/2023/09/26/governor-newsom-strengthens-californias-nation-leading-gun-safety-laws/; and California SB 452, https://legiscan.com/CA/text/SB452/id/2842861. The law also established criminal penalties for those who attempt to modify pistols to prevent them from microstamping spent cases. The law is notable given that police only solved 40 percent of gun crimes in California in 2021.29Senator Catherine Blakespear, “Legislation to Require Handguns to Have Microstamping Technology Signed by Governor,” September 26, 2023, https://sd38.senate.ca.gov/news/legislation-require-handguns-have-microstamping-technology-signed-governor.
New York passed a microstamping bill in June 2022 that requires the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) to investigate microstamping technology and certify if it is viable for semi-automatic pistols. Once the DCJS has certified the technology’s viability, the bill would establish programs and processes to implement the technology, and four years after certification, it will be illegal for a licensed gun dealer in New York to sell or transfer any pistol that does not feature microstamping technology.30N.Y. Exec. Law § 837-w., N.Y. Penal Law § 265.38., and N.Y. Exec. Law § 230(7).
In addition to applying to all pistols — not just new models — the California and New York laws are innovative because they can bypass the gun industry’s stonewalling. If gun makers continue to refuse to implement microstamping technology, the states can simply require that microstamped firing pins be installed in pistols by private vendors or state officials, for example, before they are sold.
New Jersey passed its own law to promote microstamping in 2022 and is farther along in the certification process.31New Jersey Bill A4368, https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/bill-search/2022/A4368/bill-text?f=PL22&n=57_. On February 28, 2024, New Jersey Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin officially certified microstamping as a “viable means of matching an expended cartridge case to the weapon from which it was discharged” after the Statewide Affirmative Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Office reviewed the existing studies and conducted its own live-fire testing.32Office of the Attorney General, “AG Platkin Finds Microstamping Technology Viable for Use in Commercial Firearms Following Live-Fire Testing,” February 28, 2024, https://www.njoag.gov/ag-platkin-finds-microstamping-technology-viable-for-use-in-commercial-firearms-following-live-fire-testing/.
For the testing, TACLABS provided a prototype .45-caliber Colt pistol with a microstamped firing pin that the company had already tested by firing 1,800 rounds. SAFE personnel and state police then fired an additional 50 rounds from the gun and inspected 10 spent cases to see if the codes were legible “across a lengthy and varying firing sequence.” The examiners found that the firing pin code “transferred to every single cartridge case sample.”33Office of the Attorney General, Statewide Affirmative Firearms Enforcement (SAFE), “2024 Microstamping Viability Report,” 6-8, https://www.nj.gov/oag/safe/downloads/2024-0227_Microstamping-Viability-Report-and-Appendices.pdf.
The report included photos taken with a microscope of the spent cartridge casings, like the kind shown below,34Office of the Attorney General, SAFE, “2024 Microstamping Viability Report,” 14-36. and noted the success rate of the 2012 peer-reviewed study funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, mentioned above, as further evidence of microstamping’s viability.35Office of the Attorney General, SAFE, “2024 Microstamping Viability Report,” 8-9.

The report ultimately concluded that “microstamping-enabled firearms are technologically viable,” a major step toward New Jersey implementing a roster of approved microstamping-enabled firearms. As the attorney general’s office noted, “Once a firearm is approved for inclusion in the microstamping roster, New Jersey gun retailers will be required to make available for sale at least one gun from the roster.”36Office of the Attorney General, “AG Platkin Finds Microstamping Technology Viable for Use in Commercial Firearms Following Live-Fire Testing.”
Gun groups like the NRA and NSSF consistently remind their members and the public that they support law enforcement. The NRA says that it “backs the blue,” “proudly stands with these heroes,” and that the “bond between the NRA and our men and women in blue is strong, and so is our sincere gratitude for all they do.”37See NRA, “Happy Law Enforcement Appreciation Day!” Twitter, January 9, 2023, https://x.com/NRA/status/1612590125158141953; NRA, “On National First Responders Day, we honor those who bravely face danger for our safety,” Twitter, October 8, 2023, https://x.com/NRA/status/1718331895686062102; and NRA, “During #PoliceWeek, the @NRA honors law enforcement,” Twitter, May 11, 2020, https://x.com/NRA/status/1259997435302158340. Similarly, the NSSF has publicly “thanked law enforcement for keeping our communities safe” and said, “We — the firearm industry — partner with law enforcement especially [the ATF] to help keep guns out of the hands of criminals.”38See NSSF, “NSSF thanked law enforcement for keeping our communities safe at the 17th Annual National Police Week 5k in Arlington, Va,” Twitter, May 15, 2023, https://x.com/NSSF/status/1658104518188363784; and Larry Keane, “We – the firearm industry – partner with law enforcement,” Twitter, January 22, 2022, https://x.com/lkeane/status/1484888537988313089. Yet both groups have consistently opposed microstamping, a tool that would bolster police investigations.
After New Jersey Attorney General Platkin certified microstamping and published the SAFE Office’s findings, the NRA called microstamping a “futile attempt at solving crimes” and a “delusional concept of fighting crime,” claiming that the technology is still unproven and that criminals would simply file or scratch away a firing pin’s unique code.39NRA-ILA, “New Jersey Implements Futile Attempt at Solving Crimes Where Firearms are Discharged,” March 4, 2024, https://www.nraila.org/articles/20240304/new-jersey-implements-futile-attempt-at-solving-crimes-where-firearms-are-discharged.
But microstamping developers have created redundancies — like geometric “gear codes” surrounding the alphanumeric codes40TACLABS, “How Does IFM Work?” accessed October 1, 2024, https://tac-labs.com/forensics/home/what-is-microstamping/how-ifm-works/. — to ensure investigators can still derive some information from recovered casings. It’s also unclear how many people would attempt to illegally deface a microstamped firing pin. A 2015 study found that only 5.4 percent of the guns taken from alleged gang members had obliterated serial numbers, for example.41Philip J. Cook, Richard J. Harris, Jens Ludwig, Harold A. Pollack, “Some Sources Of Crime Guns In Chicago: Dirty Dealers, Straw Purchasers, And Traffickers,” Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Volume 104, Fall 2015, https://scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=7538&context=jclc.
The NRA has made similar claims in a so-called “fact sheet” on microstamping, arguing that the technology “does not survive real world application”42NRA-ILA, “Micro-Stamping,” accessed October 1, 2024, https://www.nraila.org/get-the-facts/micro-stamping-and-ballistic-fingerprinting/. — despite the very real-world results found in multiple studies. The NRA even alleged that criminals would simply “acquire spent cartridge cases at shooting ranges in order to plant them at crime scenes in an attempt to throw the police off their tracks and confound prosecutors.”43NRA-ILA, “Micro-Stamping.” To carry this out, a person would have to find spent casings to swap out for their own that match the exact make, model, and caliber of the crime gun and, because of how casings oxidize, that were fired around the same time. They would also have to remove only the microstamped cases from the scene.44Chip Brownlee, “What Is Microstamping, and Can It Help Solve Shootings?” In short, this kind of premeditation is extremely unlikely, and the NRA’s story is divorced from the real world.
The NRA even went so far as producing a video called “Microstamping: A De Facto Gun Ban” that featured members of the gun industry deriding the technology. In the video, Mike Fifer, the former CEO of Ruger, said that microstamping was “unethical,” “has nothing to do with safety,” and is “purely a political gun grab.”45NRA, “Ginny Simone Reporting | S5 E6: ‘Microstamping: A De Facto Gun Ban,’” YouTube, March 7, 2014, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDUg4E0UAbE&ab_channel=NRA, at 1:00.

The NSSF similarly blasted the New Jersey attorney general’s findings, claiming in a blog post that the report “only proved that the idea of microstamping is still severely flawed and not ready for implementation.” The NSSF called the 50 rounds fired by SAFE personnel “a very small testing sample” — while dismissing the earlier 1,800 rounds fired in testing — and said a “firing pin can easily be filed or even replaced for a cost as little as $10.”46NSSF, “Despite AG’s Urging, New Jersey ‘Study’ Still Proves Microstamping Not Ready for Prime Time,” March 6, 2024, https://www.nssf.org/articles/despite-ags-urging-new-jersey-study-still-proves-microstamping-not-ready-for-prime-time/.
What’s more, the NSSF quoted from the 2012 study funded by the Department of Justice to say that Todd Lizotte “admitted his technology had considerable problems,” which is simply not true. To justify its claim, the NSSF uses this language from the study: “legitimate questions exist related to both the technical aspects, production costs, and database management associated with microstamping that should be addressed before wide scale implementation is legislatively mandated.”47L.S. Chumbley, J. Kreiser, T. Lizotte, et al., “Clarity of Microstamped Identifiers as a Function of Primer Hardness and Type of Firearm Action,” 146-147.
But the NSSF omitted the very next sentence in that study: “However, it should be noted that none of the above objections are inherently insurmountable.”48Ibid, 147. The study also found “readable microstamping was achieved on most of the cartridge cases” across three different test pistols, and concluded that while microstamping was “not a perfect technology” a decade ago, it “does have the potential to place valuable information into the hands of the officer or detective at the scene of a crime in a timely fashion.”49Ibid, 155.
The NSSF’s comments about the New Jersey certification are unsurprising given that the organization — led by executives from the country’s largest gun companies50NSSF, “NSSF Board of Governors,” accessed October 1, 2024, https://www.nssf.org/about-us/nssf-board-of-governors/. — has spent years opposing microstamping instead of fostering its development, and repeating the same talking points. The NSSF’s yearslong — and ultimately unsuccessful — lawsuit against California’s microstamping law was just one part of a coordinated attack.
In its own “fact sheet” titled “Microstamping Technology: Proven Flawed and Imprecise,” the NSSF once again mischaracterized the findings of the 2012 Department of Justice study, citing flawed studies that have not been replicated or peer reviewed,51The NSSF “fact sheet” references studies by George Krivosta and Michael Beddow, critiques of which are discussed on pages 3-4 here. and claimed that microstamping can be “easily defeated in seconds” and will “raise the cost of legal firearms by well over $200 per gun for both law-abiding citizens and our law enforcement personnel”52NSSF, “Microstamping Technology: Proven Flawed and Imprecise,” accessed October 1, 2024, https://www.nssf.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/NSSF-factsheet-Microstamping-22upd.pdf. — in stark contrast to the $3 to $10 estimates provided by the developers of microstamping.
In 2010, the NSSF hosted a “Congressional Fly-In” in Washington, D.C., to “educate[] key congressmen and women about the flawed concept of firearms microstamping”53NSSF, “NSSF Begins Planning for 2011 Congressional Fly-In,” September 2, 2010, https://www.nssf.org/articles/nssf-begins-planning-for-2011-congressional-fly-in/. and lobby against any federal microstamping requirements. The NSSF also fought earlier attempts by lawmakers to pass a microstamping law in New York. When then-Mayor Mike Bloomberg penned an op-ed in the New York Daily News in 2011 about the lifesaving benefits of microstamping, the NSSF claimed that a microstamping mandate would “lead to a gun ban for all New Yorkers as these companies abandon the market altogether rather than pay the cost-prohibitive sums of money necessary to reconfigure their manufacturing and assembly processes.”54NSSF, “NSSF Responds to Bloomberg Microstamping Editorial,” June 7, 2011, https://www.nssf.org/articles/nssf-responds-to-microstamping-article-in-new-york/.
The NSSF’s suggestion — that gun makers would rather “abandon the market altogether” than help bolster public safety — was not unfounded. Remington, a gun maker based in Ilion, New York, at the time, did in fact threaten to leave the state when lawmakers proposed a microstamping law in 2012. A company spokesperson said, “Such a mandate could force Remington to reconsider its commitment to the New York market altogether.”55Erica Goode, “Method to Track Firearm Use Is Stalled by Foes.” The company also threatened to leave New York after state lawmakers passed the 2013 SAFE Act, which required background checks on all gun sales and prohibited assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, among other initiatives.56Lane Russell and Delana Thomas, “End of an era: America’s oldest gun manufacturing plant in Ilion, New York to close doors,” CNY Central, December 1, 2023, https://cnycentral.com/news/local/end-of-an-era-remington-arms-plant-in-ilion-to-close-leaving-hundreds-jobless.
In response to a 2012 New York Times article on the benefits of microstamping, the NSSF repeated its claim that “many who have tested the concept, including the patent holder, Todd Lizotte, have proven that microstamping is unreliable.” The NSSF also alleged that “[i]t would cost manufacturers millions to implement microstamping and raise the price of firearms by at least $200 per gun.”57NSSF, “NSSF Responds to The Times on Microstamping, June 14, 2012, https://www.nssf.org/articles/nssf-responds-to-the-times-on-microstamping/.
More recently, in 2021, the NSSF’s senior vice president and general counsel, Larry Keane, penned a blog post titled “The Moronic Myths of Microstamping,” in which he ignored studies showing the viability of microstamping and said, “Proponents of the unworkable, unreliable and ineffective concept keep their heads in the sand regarding the feasibility of microstamping mandates because they can’t face the truth. It doesn’t work.”58Larry Keane, “The Moronic Myths of Microstamping,” March 8, 2021, https://www.nssf.org/articles/the-moronic-myths-of-microstamping/. And after New Jersey passed its microstamping law in 2022, Keane again called the technology “unworkable” and said that the “cost of producing firearms that bear microstamping technology would increase by roughly $200. That’s a lot of money for a microscopic change.”59Larry Keane, “New Jersey Follows California’s Lead on Unworkable Microstamping Requirements,” NSSF, August 25, 2023, https://www.nssf.org/articles/new-jersey-follows-californias-lead-on-unworkable-microstamping-requirements/.
The NSSF has never “shown its math” in arriving at its $200 estimate — as has been the case with the organization’s “industry estimates” for the number of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in circulation. The NSSF’s figure also hasn’t changed over the years, despite advances in technology. But the organization’s insistence on that number begs the question: What price would gun makers be willing to pay to help solve gun crimes and protect the public?
The gun industry’s record suggests that profits are more important for gun makers and sellers than public safety. As discussed here, the NSSF supports the proliferation of deadly innovations like assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and silencers. In the past, the organization even hosted ghost gun manufacturers and retailers at its trade show.
The NSSF has also repeatedly said that microstamping is not “ready for prime time”60See NSSF, “Despite AG’s Urging, New Jersey ‘Study’ Still Proves Microstamping Not Ready for Prime Time,” March 6, 2024, https://www.nssf.org/articles/despite-ags-urging-new-jersey-study-still-proves-microstamping-not-ready-for-prime-time/; Larry Keane, “New Jersey Follows California’s Lead on Unworkable Microstamping Requirements,” NSSF, August 23, 2023, https://www.nssf.org/articles/new-jersey-follows-californias-lead-on-unworkable-microstamping-requirements/; and NSSF, “NSSF Responds to Bloomberg Microstamping Editorial,” June 17, 2011, https://www.nssf.org/articles/nssf-responds-to-microstamping-article-in-new-york/. — a phrase the group has also used to describe smart guns, or firearms equipped with technology to ensure that they can only be fired by authorized users. Like microstamping, smart guns can help prevent crime, including thefts and unintentional shootings. Yet the gun industry spent decades preventing smart guns from reaching consumers, much like microstamping-enabled firearms. Only recently did a startup, Biofire Technologies, manage to introduce a smart gun for consumers.
As more states consider enacting their own microstamping requirements, it’s important for lawmakers to follow the evidence, much like a crime scene investigator: Consider the multiple studies showing that microstamping works and the number of organizations and law enforcement agencies that have tested and endorsed the technology. In the end, it is impossible to overstate the impact microstamping — what Keane called a “microscopic change” — would have on policing and public safety. As a former Baltimore police commissioner once said, “I think it is one of these things in law enforcement that would just take us from the Stone Age to the jet age in an instant. I just can’t comprehend the opposition to it.”61Erica Goode, “Method to Track Firearm Use Is Stalled by Foes.”