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Gundies Awarded to Gun Industry’s Top Influencers

Gundies winners help market the gun industry’s deadliest products while stoking culture wars and conspiracy theories.

California and New York Now Require Gun Dealers to Warn Customers of Risks

The new warnings required for gun dealers are designed to raise awareness about the risks of owning firearms.

Gun Accessory Maker Sentenced for Illegal Silencer Sales

KBC Capital deceptively marketed and sold silencer parts to avoid registration and background check requirements.

Year in Review: The Worst of the Gun Industry in 2024

A look back at the gun industrys worst products, marketing practices, and comments from CEOs this past year.

Year in Review: The Best Reporting on the Gun Industry in 2024

A recap of the most significant gun industry news stories and investigations published this past year.

Trump Picks Former Gun Investor to Be Deputy Defense Secretary

Stephen Feinberg’s Cerberus Capital once owned the Freedom Group, one of the most controversial gun companies in the U.S.

Minnesota and New Jersey Sue Glock for Pistols Turned Into Machine Guns

Following Chicago’s lead, the lawsuits allege that Glock has failed to stop its pistols from being converted with “switches.”

The Barr Papers

Newly uncovered documents reveal the NRA’s behind-the-scenes efforts to create sweeping legal protections for the gun industry.

Police: Suspect Used Ghost Gun with Silencer to Attack UnitedHealthcare CEO

The shooting highlights the danger posed by untraceable ghost guns and silencers, two gun industry innovations.

Colorado Gun Dealers Plead Guilty to Conspiracy to Defraud United States

The co-owners of Modern Arms & Optics hid illegal straw sales and gun manufacturing in federally required forms.